
What are your experiences of colon hydrotherapy?

   Posted by: Webmaster   in Colon Hydrotherapy

colon hydrotherapy
maria asked:

I have been diagnosed with i.b.s im also quite worried as a number of family members have dies from stomach and colon cancer. I am trying to regulate my diet and be very careful, i would like to know your experiences of colon hydrotherapy, and colonic irrigation. I would love to know more about it and a good place to get it done in london, how much it costs how often to go and what are the results like.


Fire Your MD

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This entry was posted on Monday, January 26th, 2009 at 8:43 pm and is filed under Colon Hydrotherapy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

2 comments so far


talk to your doctor or health professional and seek out support groups to find people who can answer your question

often people will tell you small details docs wont, not because they are trying to hide something, but honestly, a patient knows the therapy first hand

i wish you the very best

January 28th, 2009 at 10:24 am

Hi Maria, I have had IBS since my teens. I’ve also had many colonics, until they started to get expensive, ( $75-$100). If you are at a high risk for colon cancer, your Dr can tell you how often you should be screened, don’t worry. To control my IBS, the Dr told me watch my diet and take an enema everyday. I also take a home colonic once a month. Email me and maybe I can help. Look in the yellow pages under Colonic Irrigaion.

January 31st, 2009 at 7:05 pm

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