Posts Tagged ‘Colon Hydrotherapy’


Colon Hydrotherapy

   Posted by: Webmaster    in Colon Hydrotherapy


This is a brief introduction to the service we provide. For more in depth information please browse the site. There are years of articles posted here and many of your questions will be answered within them. We hope you will choose us to assist you in your journey. Shalom, Angela

Colon hydrotherapy or colonics has been practiced in every civilized nation for the past 7000 years. Colon therapy is the only natural way to retrain a sluggish colon and cleanse the lower bowel. It uses only purified water to gently hydrate the body. Because the colon is a muscle and is also designed to hydrate the body colon hydrotherapy is the perfect solution to poor colon health. By introducing small amounts of water and controlled amounts of pressure to the colon the muscle is stimulated to contract numerous times during a single session whereas in a typical day the colon may contract only a couple of times. By contracting more often colonics creates a stronger colon and the hydration in produces means that when the colon contracts either during a session or in the days following a session it will expel a larger amount of waste and do so more comfortably.

Because colon hydrotherapy doesn’t rely on any chemicals or even natural supplementation during treatment it remains the safest most natural way to assist the body in cleansing the colon.  When your colon is eliminating waste on a more regular basis you can expect to feel more energy and less discomfort from digestive complications. The colon is the final phase of the digestive process but if you are constipated it will begin to effect other areas of your digestive system as well as other detoxifying organs of the body. While it is important to care for and manage your digestive health through proper nutrition and supplementation a colon therapy regimen should be used once in a while to maintain colon health and integrity.

As a 12 year veteran of colon therapy I have helped countless clients who have battled years of symptoms that they believed were most likely chronic diseases such as IBS, fibromyalgia but were simply a result of unresolved constipation. They come to me thinking that if they eliminate once a day that they are “normal” and all the while they haven’t felt normal for as long as they can remember. The truth is that a person should be eliminating waste as often as they are taking in nutrition.  It is my belief that as long as the entire digestive system is working that any individual will indeed eliminate a few times a day and the volume of what they eliminate will be in direct relation to the volume of their personal consumption. I have believed it for years and have seen this theory take shape in all of my clients.

I have had the privilege of seeing the patients of local doctors who have decided once in a while to take a chance on colon hydrotherapy and together we have dramatically improved the quality of life for patients.

If you are experiencing symptoms of constipation you might want to consider having a series of colonics. Even clients who I ‘fixed” 12 years ago come to see me a few times each year to have a tune up; although they never go back to the level of dis-ease that they came to me with over a decade ago they maintain their health with good nutrition, proper hydration and the occasional colonic.

Most of my clients begin with 4 total colonics. While it is impossible to determine exactly how many colonics a client will need a lot can be done with 4 and even more so with lifestyle modifications.

We are located in Canyon County to serve clients in the Nampa Caldwell Payette and Ontario areas. We will be offering an Ada county location by summer again that will better serve Boise, Meridian, Eagle and Kuna.

Please contact us today to set up an appointment.

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What are the benefits of colon hydrotherapy?

   Posted by: Webmaster    in Colon Hydrotherapy

colon hydrotherapy
smartypants asked: Are there any risks? Is it recommended by traditional docs?
Response: There are indeed some risks associated with colonics but they are all in relation to the level of education and training that the therapist has. If your therapist isnt thoroughly trained she could stretch your colon making it actually harder for you to have a bowel movement. But if you ask the questions outlined in the article posted on this website titled “Choosing a Therapist” you will be able to ask the right questions and avoid risks that can happen with colon therapy if done incorrectly.

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HCG Diet and Colon hydrotherapy

   Posted by: Webmaster    in HCG Diet Boise

blue eyes

So many people who know me very well are shocked when they find out that I am now advocating the HCG Diet; so much so that I am offering an HCG Diet program to my clients.

I have to respond to this reaction because I totally understand thier concern. The whole idea of men and women taking a hormone like substance and limiting thier caloric intake for a long period of time to lose weight seems absurd. In fact, I first heard about the HCG Diet from a woman who came to me while doing HCG diet and knew she needed colonic or colon hydrotherapy sessions to make her HCG diet and weight loss more effective. I thought what she was doing was crazy and downright dangerous.

But after looking closely at the program I realized that it was nothing more than a lengthy partial-fast. Because I do colon hydrotherapy, fasting cleanses are something I am very comfortable with. Not to mention something I know a lot about! So, looking closer at the original HCG diet program I did notice that it had a lot of room for error and wasn’t the best written cleanse I had seen.

Nonetheless, it was a breakthrough in the 50′s when it was first introduced and it did in fact seem to help peoples’ bodies live on fat stores that had been painfully resistant to diet and excercise as it does during pregnancy.

So, I put all of my own knowledge into changing this poorly planned cleanse and made it into something that would work for anyone, under the most severe detoxifying needs. Combining the HCG with herbs, and colon hydrotherapy my clients not only lose more fat, than people who are paying twice what I charge but they are also getting the benefits of colon hydrotherapy throughtout the program. They have fewer headaches and other symptoms of detox and there bowels continue to move more than ever while they are cleansing, which will make thier entire digestive system work better for the long term.

So, while I would not recommend the original HCG protocol I have devised a plan that works really well and follows all of the basic rules of fasting and detoxing. This is a program that is the most powerful weight loss program I personally have ever seen.  I have been collaborating with a local doctor and both of us have to agree that while women in Peri or post menopause will have the most difficulty losing weight they will indeed lose it faster and easier on HCG than on any other program.  This is a really great way to jump-start weight loss or lose all the weight you need to or shave off those last 15 pounds.  Its fast and we have made it very affordable and healthy. You will go on this program and when you are done your body and digestive system will be in better health than ever before!

Biggest Loser? Eat your heart out!

Our HCG protocol is a winning combination of a lengthy partial fast ( VLCD) and colon cleansing program combined with some of the traditional methods use by Dr Simmeons. Our clients are losing tons of fat and benefiting from a simultaneous detox program. Many people say that HCG doesnt make you lose weight- and this is indeed true. If you took it you would not lose anything. But taking HCG while doing the program makes hunger virtually non-existent and the losses from one day to the next do appear to be about double what is lost when doing a program like this without HCG.  The fat my clients are losing seems to be more in the areas where it was stubborn and ‘stuck’ no matter what and thier bodies are reshaping.  This old program has been made new and it works like a miracle for many who have tried other things without fast success.  Shed unwanted fat and release your body from toxins and addictions that have sabotaged you in the past!! Our program is more affordable than any local provider and has so much more to offer. What do YOU have to lose??

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Has anyone tried Colon hydrotherapy before?

   Posted by: Webmaster    in Colon Hydrotherapy

colon hydrotherapy
dreamychantal asked:

What can I expect
what is the average cost for a session?
How many will be necessary?


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